Zgody i regulaminy

Mental Path Medical Health Care Facility Regulations

(for adult patients of the facility)

1. Psychotherapeutic sessions, psychological consultations, medical visits, and supervisions are conducted exclusively by prior arrangement and payment.
2. Regular visits do not require confirmation by registration.
3. Every patient must have an ID document at the visit, including online visits.
4. For first-time visits, a condition for reserving an appointment is making a payment on the day of registration. Failure to make a payment results in cancellation of the booking in the calendar of the given therapist or doctor.
5. Being late for an appointment will result in the shortening of the visit duration by the length of the delay.
6. During regular therapeutic meetings, if a patient does not make a payment for a given session, the specialist decides whether the session can proceed and the deadline for making the payment. If a patient is in arrears with more than one payment, further visits are suspended until the debt is settled.
7. If only one partner appears for a scheduled couples session, the visit is charged as if it had been planned as a couples session. The therapist, depending on the arrangements made with the couple, may refuse to conduct the session without the presence of both partners, which does not exempt from the session fee.
8. Cancellation of meetings and charges for absences
a. Scheduled therapeutic meetings or medical visits can be canceled free of charge 2 business days before the scheduled date.
Sessions taking place on Monday or Tuesday can be canceled free of charge on the preceding Saturday by 1:00 PM.
Sessions scheduled for the first business day after a holiday can be canceled free of charge on the last preceding business day (if that day is Saturday, then by 1:00 PM; if it is a regular business day from Monday to Friday, then by 3:00 PM).
b. If a visit cannot take place, it should be canceled by sending an SMS to 663 203 603 or an email to: recepcja@mentalpath.pl. Alternatively, an in-office visit can be changed to an online visit, on the same day and at the same time.
c. Sessions that do not take place due to the therapist’s absence do not require payment.
d. Canceling a psychotherapeutic session or medical visit less than 2 business days in advance, or failing to show up for a meeting without information, involves full payment for the session, due to the necessity of reserving the specialist’s time.
e. A visit canceled non-regulation is payable regardless of unforeseen events such as sudden illness, quarantine, difficulties with transportation, or family matters.
f. If a patient cancels 4 or more therapeutic sessions within 3 consecutive months, the specialist has the right to refuse to continue psychotherapy. This is dictated by the concern for the high quality and effectiveness of the psychotherapy process.
g. Prepayments for visits canceled according to the regulations will be refunded by transfer or PayU fast payment.
h. Prepayments for visits canceled non-regulation will not be refunded, due to the reservation of the specialist’s time for the given patient.
i. The patient agrees to the issuance of a fiscal receipt, invoice, or another accounting document in electronic form and sending it to the provided email address.
9. Workshops and group activities have their price for the number of classes in a month/semester, which is not reduced in case of absence, guaranteeing a place in the group. Payments for workshops/group activities are collected in advance for the entire month.
A monthly notice period applies for group activities.
10. Meetings with specialists conducted remotely must be paid before the scheduled meeting date. Payment is a condition for starting the session. Sessions can be paid via PayU fast payments, to which the link is provided each time by the facility’s registration or by bank transfer at least 1 day in advance, so that funds are credited to the facility’s bank account before the visit date. After paying for the visit, the patient receives a link to the visit via email.
11. A break in therapy covering two consecutive sessions, without information about the absence, is treated as resignation from therapy and results in the release of the reservation for regular meeting dates.
12. Psychotherapists and Patients of the facility in a psychotherapeutic relationship are obliged to adhere to the regulations and the established therapeutic contract. The therapeutic contract is made directly with the psychotherapist, verbally or in writing, and its rules may slightly modify these regulations.
13. The patient consents for various specialists providing health services as part of cooperation in the therapeutic team of the facility to consult on his case.
14. Medical documentation is prepared according to applicable legal regulations, stored at the facility’s premises, confidential, and protected from access by third parties.
15. Medical documentation is issued exclusively at the written request of the patient or authorized person.
16. E-documents (e-prescriptions, e-referrals, e-orders) issued by a doctor at Mental Path can be downloaded by logging into the patient portal at www.mental

17. The specialist/doctor guarantees the confidentiality of professional secrets and the full confidentiality of personal data in accordance with applicable legal regulations, including the Medical Profession Act and the Mental Health Protection Act, and the principles related to electronic data transmission to the medical system (including prescriptions, medical leave certificates, referrals, medical events).
18. In special situations, including threats to human health or life and others where the doctor/psychotherapist is legally obliged, the patient’s personal data may be disclosed to the appropriate authorities and entities under the provisions of the Mental Health Protection Act, the Criminal Code, and other laws.
19. In states of threat to the health and life of the patient or others, specialists have the right to retain the patient in the facility and call emergency services, according to Art. 21 of the Mental Health Protection Act of August 19, 1994.
20. The regulations may be updated by the facility’s management. The current regulations are effective from the date of introduction and are published on www.mentalpath.pl.
21. The current price list of Mental Path is published on the website: www.mentalpath.pl.
22. To ensure order and safety at the Mental Path facility, as well as to protect the health of Patients, video surveillance operates. Monitoring does not function in rooms where health services are provided, during the provision of these services to patients.
23. Complaints and claims can be submitted in writing at the headquarters of Mental Path, sent by mail to the address ul. Puławska 12/10, 02-566 Warsaw, or by email to: recepcja@mentalpath.pl.